03 August 2013

Chapter 39: Year 1. Check.

My first year in Colorado has come to an end. Yesterday, 31 July, marked my official one year anniversary (although, technically I still won’t be a resident until September since that’s when my mailing address and license were changed) and what a year it has been!

I’ll start by reminding some of you that for the first month I was living with my sister and family in Colorado Springs. For two weeks of that first month I was driving 200 miles round trip from their house to my job in Boulder. Needless to say, the drive sort of lost its charm rather quickly. I managed to find a place in Longmont, cutting my drive time to thirty minutes AND I landed a second job in Broomfield to fill the empty hours of the afternoon. All of this has provided me with 365 fully scheduled, never-ending, exhausting days all culminating in “Year 1.”

The past year was full of changes. The physical, of course, as Colorado and Texas are … wait … not alike? Actually, quite alike, but not at all alike when it comes to…wait…politics? No, that’s not it. Mentality? Somewhat. Why did I move? Oh, right, we get snow in Colorado. And we climb mountains. And we boulder. And we raft, and zip line, and hike, and bike, and kayak, and ski, and snowboard, and snowshoe, and swim, and camp, and more…and that’s just what we do in our spare time. Now, I’m using “we” quite liberally as I have not necessarily participated in all of the aforementioned activities, but I have experienced a handful. More importantly, I have big, no, BIG goals to experience a handful or more of those activities during “Year 2.”

Moving to Colorado has opened my eyes in many ways. Being here has helped me understand myself better, though still not as well as I would like. Being here has helped me understand others in my life and the role(s) they play. I have breathed new air, both literally and metaphorically. With each new day, I am learning to embrace more of this state, the people, my life here, and especially, my “self.”

I spent the first year moving and moving in (and believe it or not, I still have a few boxes to unpack). I’ve been slowly trying to make this cozy apartment feel like a home; it’s still a work in progress, but I’m enjoying it so far. I have been working – a lot! So much, in fact, that I haven’t actually had time to do any of the things that I’ve wanted to do, or at least, I haven’t been able to do them the way I hoped to. However, changes with work will mean that I’ll have more “me time” in Year 2 and with that extra time I fully intend to further develop my “self” and engage in more of those activities that I’ve been waiting so long to enjoy.

I have decided not to discuss some of the personal things that I dealt with during the past year only because it won’t really mean anything. Bringing them up won’t change them and I’ve come to terms with it all so it seems pretty useless to share at this point. I now have a much better understanding and view of myself and who I am in relationships – all relationships, not just romantic. This also means that I know what I deserve and what I’m willing to “put up with.” I’ve thought people were friends and they turned out to be less. I’ve thought people didn’t care for me and they’ve turned out to know me better than “friends.”  I’ve found new strengths in old friendships. Most importantly, I know what I need to do as I move forward; I know better about how to be me.

So here’s to Year 1 and the joy and sorrow, the laughter and tears, the journeys and moments of calm. As for Year 2…I intend to get out more – socially. I need to meet more people in Colorado, especially NoCo, and please, can I date someone who gives me butterflies? Please. I want to go to one new brewery per month – shouldn’t be hard seeing as how CO is practically the micro brew capital of the world. I mean, there are three here in Longmont, but I’ve been to them already so I guess I can’t count those in Year 2. Speaking of drinking, I WILL make it to CO’s wine country and sample a few. I will also get in more travel (in general) this year. I love it so much and miss it so much more. While I’m travelling, maybe I can start working on a manuscript – any one of the many, if I could just get started already! I really, really want to get to more shows and definitely a sporting event or couple twenty. I also really miss the Farmer’s Market! I definitely want to get in some more hiking – including a 14er or two, or three, or…
I will get back into my yogic practice and get that cute little yoga body back. Plus, I miss it and the way I feel when my practice is solid and constant. I REALLY want to perfect my Scorpion pose – without assistance. I plan to build the road bike that I’ll use to train and participate in RtR.

I have some private goals as well and a goal chart so I can keep track of my progress. I’ll share stories with you as well as I expect the forthcoming year to be quite exciting.

My biggest goal this year is to be more present as I have not been very good at that in quite some time. I’ve already begun to clear my mind and my environment – I am positive I can do this, and I am positive that it will be great!

Until Next Time,
Courtney Chivon

Here's the video: Year 1. Check