Hey! Hi. Hello.
So, it's been a while. I've been going through many a transition and haven't dedicated much time to this blog. Ok, I haven't dedicated any time to this blog. In addition to changing jobs, changing cities, changing relationship status, I'm changing my online address as well.
Some of you know that I have a website, and that I was providing the link to this blog on that site. I have decided that I'm going to live there permanently now, which means this will be the last entry at this address. I do plan to keep this blog open because I don't feel like moving archived work anymore than I feel like losing it. What's written in these virtual pages is just as important as what's to come. The tone might change along with the content - a little, but the truth is that I'm still just a girl with a map whose life is unedited and uncut and constantly being (re)drafted.
You might be wondering why the sudden move. Simply stated, I want to do more with courtneychivon.com. I want one landing pad for people to visit - one place to chime in on everything that I do, because multiple identities isn't what I'm about anymore. I used to like keeping things separate, as if I was a different person with everything I did, but I'm not. I've always just been me - enjoying as much from life as I could. I think I kept things separate because I thought I was supposed to. Because people would tell me that showcasing everything in one place would look like I lacked focus, and how could I ever get what I want if I didn't seem focused? For a while, I believed this too, but you know what? I'm human and being human means that I get to have many interests. I can follow any lead I want - every lead if that's what fills me. I have the luxury of granting my metaphorical heart with as much happiness as it can stand - who cares what society thinks? Society can kiss my rotund behind as it's walking away from expectation and toward fulfillment.
My website will be the greatest reflection of who I am, what I love, and how I thrive. Dedicating time and energy to it, I think, will also help remind me of what I have to offer. In the midst of all this transition, I have forgotten and lost a bit of myself. I've been floundering, though you'd never know it, unless you really know me. I have lost focus and direction, because I haven't been authentic to my whole person.
This blog will stay here, living on until some greater interweb entity decides that it's time to rest. You can always come here and visit the old posts, comment, share, sit for a while and be. But for new content, you'll have to come to my new old address, and take it for what it is - an amalgamation of who I am - disorganization and all.
Until Next Time,
Courtney Chivon