06 August 2012

Chapter 33: Not Sure How I Feel...

regarding the press around the recent shootings/killings/injuries at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. 

My issue is short: Why did the Aurora shooting get so much press and public sentiment but the shooting in Wisconsin is sitting just under the radar? It seems to me that societal concern has a clear line of demarcation with this and if that is true, I'm deeply saddened. 

I can't help but wonder if the institution had been a Christian one would the Oak Creek shooting be just as well known as the Aurora shooting was? The guy killed six people and shot a cop -- repeatedly but it seems that it isn't as newsworthy as what happened in Aurora two weeks ago. Is it because the killer is dead? Or is it because the religion in practice was of an Islamic nature? 

Don't get me wrong, I by no means want to detract from the event that occurred in Colorado but why is it that on Friday, June 20th, I had to see and hear about the assailant through every single form of social media and the news/radio but on Sunday, August 5th, I only had 2 friends on FB post anything, I only saw a handful of tweets, and didn't hear anything on the news/radio? I'm not saying there isn't any coverage, but I am saying that there is an obvious difference in coverage. It just seems to me that concern is slightly misplaced.

Until Next Time,
Courtney Chivon

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