23 April 2014

Chapter 43: Another Year

I'm a couple days late with my new year resolution, but better late than never, right?

It's interesting the way that things come into our lives or our view at just the right time; I guess some would call those omens or signs. My dad has a way, too, of being intuitive, or at the very least, perceptive. I think the one line that encapsulates my thoughts for this resolution comes from what my dad wrote in my Easter card. While I'm not one to celebrate the resurrection, I will celebrate that Easter is a sign of spring. Either way, my parents still send me an Easter card and special treats to celebrate, and this year my dad's message meant more to me than usual. He wrote, “Easter helps us believe in new beginnings.” Dad's message couldn't have come at a better time, or maybe I was more open to receiving it because of the changes that I'm making in my life.

I'm trying very hard to remove as much of the toxicity from my life as I can, and it hasn't always been easy, but I am becoming more and more aware of how necessary it is. This change is helping me find new strength, it's helping me be the person who I never thought I had a right to be. How crazy is that? To think that you have to do certain things or behave a particular way in order to deserve a specific life, set of friends, or even love. I don't want this blog to be about that, instead, I want solely to consider the wishes that I have for myself as I enter into another new year.

New beginnings. I really do feel them. It's almost as if I can see what my future could hold; not just that I'm able to visualize it, but I can actually watch it. There is almost a sense of nostalgia that comes with it, because I can see it so clearly that it's like I'm watching my past, only it hasn't happened yet. This is new and exciting and a little scary since there is no real way of knowing what the future holds. I see new adventures. I am excited for some traditions to continue and to engage in new experiences with my friends and family. I see new friends and places. I see exploration of space and self – travel near and far. I see light, a certain kind of brightness that comes from the purity of spirit. I see laughter, joy, excitement, love, smiles, and genuine happiness. I hope for newer and deeper understanding of my role here, not on Earth, but for myself and others in this life.

So much change has already taken place in the last 365 days; I'm in a very different place today than I was a year ago. This time last year I did a lot of pretending. I did a lot of lying to myself and others about my feelings and fears, hopes, thoughts, everything. My happiness wasn't genuine and the few moments that I did feel it didn't last long. For the most part, last year is forgotten; a faded and faraway memory that I have chosen not to hold onto. I don't want that to be true for this new year, and I already don't think it will be. I'm feeling healthier now – in mind, body, and spirit. I feel like I'm on the right track, that my vision is clearing, that I'm gaining more ground and I'm almost ready to live the life designed for me. The one I deserve and always have – even if I didn't think so before. I'm excited for the prospect of “new beginnings” whatever they may be; I think I'm finally ready for them.

Another year older, and maybe, finally, another year wiser.

Until Next Time,
Courtney Chivon

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