26 July 2012

Chapter 31: Another Big "Move"

Some of you know that I can be a little bipolar when it comes to Facebook -

I'm gonna delete it.
I love it!
I'm gonna delete it.
I can't stay away!
I'm gonna delete it.
I have friends!
I'm gonna delete it.
I need it!
I'm gonna delete it.

There are various reasons why my relationship with Facebook is so toxic but most of it has to do with yours truly. I like the facespace when it works to unite friends or open a space for intelligent discussion or comedic drunken behavior between friends across time zones (<--- someone should edit my grammar there). But I dislike the facespace when its users become tainted, twisted, tortured versions of themselves. Maybe not tortured but I like alliteration...

My oldest friends or those who are new but know me well enough will have no reason to believe that anything I say here is about them. However, if you're reading this and you, for the briefest moment, stop and think, "Is she referring to me?" maybe I am. It isn't anything new but it is something that has resulted in the loss of whatever shred of tolerance was left. 

I am so utterly disgusted with the things that I see/read, the immediate dismissal of anything I have to contribute if it doesn't resonate with what the other person/people are thinking, and the drama that I thought I was rid of when I refused to associate with people in high school. I am continually saddened by the lack of humanity and care for things that matter and the acceptance of dehumanizing each other for the sake of "being right." Finally, if all you know about me is what you see on Facebook then you really don't know me at all so my last rant has to do with my growing hatred of the phrase, "I thought you were (adjective like, smarter, goes here) than that." 

And what REALLY bugs me about all the things that are  personal to me is that most of the time people don't even have the nerve to comment publicly when they disagree. NO. They choose, instead, to private message me with their hate. Why is that? 

Why can't you speak your mind, out loud, like I spoke mine? Are you afraid of something? Do you recognize the people who will stand up in my corner? Do they scare you? 

GOOD! But if the best you can be is a coward, then end our friendship and delete me from your friend list because we have nothing left to give to one another.

I'm impulsive, and passionate, and I do believe in speaking my mind and fighting for what I think is right in this world. I'm not ashamed to do it. I am, however, refusing to do it in a forum that has no guidelines for respect, honesty, integrity, value, discretion, or humility. So I've made a decision about my behavior and Facebook and I'm going to share that with you, now.

I've decided to keep my profile. I have decided to open a tumblr. account which is something I've been considering for a little while. I have, for now, linked the two so when there is activity on tumblr. it will appear in my Facebook feed. BUT I will no longer be as active a participant on Facebook as you're used to. I've removed the app from my tablet and my phone so if you were using it as a primary method of communication with me, well, you better consider another option. And if I find that linking tumblr. and Facebook has become problematic, I'll just uncheck the box on my tumblr. account to end all activity on Facebook...easy. 

Some of this is personal, yes. But most of this is because it's already depressing enough just to read the news but to be surrounded by so much ignorance via "friend" feeds and whatnot has become intolerable and since my behavior is easier to modify, this is my first change. 

If this offended anyone, I'm not sorry. I've accepted that we may not always see things eye to eye but that in those differences we should be able to create discourse. This is my alternative, eliminate the source of the problem and the symptoms never have to be treated again - or covered with a band-aid. 

But hey, I'm keeping my profile, and isn't that what everyone wanted?

Until Next Time,
Courtney Chivon

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